Say YES to 2FA (2-Factor Authentication)
2FA (2-factor authentication helps) protect your identity.
You should deploy 2FA (2-factor authentication). This increases your security and reduces your chances of becoming an identity theft victim. Most services encourage 2FA and let you deploy it at no additional cost. I shall use Gmail in my example here.
How it looks in real life.
Daphne runs a dental office in Folsom, CA. Keeping the practice up and running is her top priority. She runs most of her patient, insurance and vendor communications through her Gmail account. She deploys 2FA with the steps at She keeps her smart phone nearby. She knows that when she logs into her Gmail account, or any Google service for that matter, Google will send her a six-digit code.
She goes to work one Monday morning. She logs into her Gmail account then receives a text message. It reveals the current six-digit code. She enters that into the Google PIN prompt and reads her e-mail. Pretty simple, after the initial setup and overcoming the “am I doing this right?” doubts.
Daphne realizes that 2FA resides on a) what you know and b) what you have. Daphne knows her Gmail password. Daphne has a PIN that Google sends to her smart phone.
Daphne has 2-factor security. She knows that even if someone guesses or steals her Gmail password, they do not have the PIN and they do not have her smart phone. It works for Daphne.
The benefit.
Daphne works hard. She makes sure the practice’s security meets modern standard. She maintains strong passwords and protects client data. She also knows if something is complex, she might as well contract out the work to someone who does security work and can get it working right, the first time. Setting up 2FA is not something to take lightly. If you want to conquer it, go ahead. if you would feel more comfortable hiring a pro to make it work, give us a call at (530) 677-8864 or visit This is what we do.