Your IT support pro has everything working right. Right?
If you’re here, you are probably incurring some pain. Your network is slow. Servers and workstations are unstable. You don't know how secure you and your secrets are. This is usually the condition of networks we inherit. We make network systems work ... Read More
Can you trust a website?
Before you click a link, add something to a shopping cart and type your credit card number, make sure you can trust that website. Several services exist that let you type in a website name and then see a credibility score. You should do this to ... Read More
February 12, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Do not let ransomware authors win.
Ransomware is all over the news. A few months back, the Wannacry ransomware knocked out England's hospitals' computer networks. Staff told patients if they did not have an emergency, go home. Administrators there ended up giving the ransomware authors 300 Bitcoin dollars to reveal an ... Read More
February 12, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
You do not need 2FA (2-factor authentication).
2FA (2-factor authentication) helps improve your security and reduces your chance of becoming an identity theft victim. I have already written here why you should deploy 2FA. In this post, I shall play the Devil's Advocate. Don't do it.
What happens if you don't do ... Read More
February 11, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
2FA (2-factor authentication helps) protect your identity.
You should deploy 2FA (2-factor authentication). This increases your security and reduces your chances of becoming an identity theft victim. Most services encourage 2FA and let you deploy it at no additional cost. I shall use Gmail in my example here.
How it looks in ... Read More
February 11, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
You do not need 2-factor authentication.
2-factor authentication helps improve your security and reduces your chance of becoming an identity theft victim. I have already written here why you should deploy 2-factor authentication. In this post, I shall play the Devil's Advocate. Don't do it.
What happens if you don't do it?
Allen ... Read More
February 10, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
2-factor authentication helps protect your identity.
You should deploy 2-factor authentication. This increases your security and reduces your chances of becoming an identity theft victim. Most services encourage 2-factor authentication and let you deploy it at no additional cost.
How it looks in real life.
Daphne runs a dental office in Folsom, CA. ... Read More
February 10, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
2-factor authentication increases your security.
You should use 2-factor authentication starting now. This is a mechanism, which is usually free, that increases your network security. According to, 2-factor authentication is "...a way of adding additional security on your account. The first "factor" is your usual password that is standard for ... Read More
February 9, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Ransomware could become a nonissue at a Folsom dental office.
Daphne runs a dental office in Folsom. She gets scared every time she learns of ransomware, spyware and malware. "They're all challenging me and my ability to protect our client data. We're not the only dentist office in Folsom," she complains. ... Read More
February 9, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
What Traffic Ticket Phishing looks like.
Although this happened in New York, this phishing attack could very easily happen in any state. Online reporter Doug Olenick at SC Media revealed a press release from the NY State Department of Motor Vehicles warning about a phishing scam. The phishing scam targets New ... Read More
February 8, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos