Why the Equifax data breach matters.
Earlier this month, Equifax disclosed that someone breached their database and compromised 143 Million records. Equifax is one of three services mortgagors use when determining if you deserve a mortgage for your new home. The data they have on us is...immense. The breach already happened. ... Read More
Protect yourself by becoming high hanging fruit.
High hanging fruit is tough to reach while low hanging fruit is easiest to reach. Suppose you went to an apple orchard and decided you wanted an apple. The owner said it was ok to pick one from a tree and eat it for ... Read More
February 18, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
When in doubt, check to see if a website is safe.
You have to be careful when web surfing. People use fake websites to promote their agendas, spread malware and rip you off. You can check a website if you are unsure whether or not that website is safe.
A story for ... Read More
February 17, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
When in doubt, check to see if a website is safe.
You have to be careful these days. People use fake websites to promote their agendas, spread malware and rip you off. You can check a website if you are unsure whether or not that website is safe.
A story for you.
Jim ... Read More
February 17, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Sacramento IT support includes managing passwords.
Whomever you hire as your Sacramento IT support pro, he needs to manage your passwords. If you forget one, a simple phone call should save you. I am sad to report...that is not always the case. I inherited a situation where nobody managed the company's ... Read More
February 16, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Folsom IT support includes managing passwords.
Whomever you hire as your Folsom IT support pro, he needs a proactive solution that manages your passwords. If you forget one, a simple phone call should help you recover. I am sad to report...that is not always the case. I inherited a situation where ... Read More
February 16, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
IT support includes managing passwords.
Whomever you hire as your IT support pro, he needs a proactive solution that manages your passwords. If you forget one, a simple phone call should help you recover. I am sad to report...that is not always the case. I inherited a situation where nobody managed ... Read More
February 15, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
When it comes to phishing attacks, training is the ultimate protection.
Phishing attacks happen every day. Fake e-mail, aggressive pop-ups and phone calls threatening IRS action confront us all. You and your end users cannot avoid them. You can, however, train them to become suspicious and avoid falling for phishing attacks ... Read More
February 15, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Your Sacramento IT support vendor has everything working right. Right?
If you’re here, you probably have some pain. Your network is slow. Servers and workstations are unstable. You don't know how secure you and your secrets are. This is usually the condition of networks we inherit. We make network systems work ... Read More
February 14, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos
Your Folsom IT support pro has everything working right. Right?
If you’re reading this, you are probably incurring some pain. Your network is slow. Servers and workstations are unreliable. You don't know how secure you and your secrets are. This is usually the condition of networks we inherit. We make network ... Read More
February 13, 2025Mark Anthony Germanos