Get Ready for Cloud Migration Success Stories

Everybody wants to be in the Cloud. I help you determine what apps and data should reside in the Cloud and what you should keep local. I plan, implement and complete your Cloud migrations. I make sure the security and reliability meet your requirements.
When you run your business in the Cloud, you focus on your business. You think about your prospects, your clients, and your staff. Turn your attention toward better marketing, increased revenue and better work-life balance. You stop thinking about local data backups, failing servers and increasing support costs.
You’re running a business. Embracing the Cloud and migrating there smoothly can make or break your business. Having your systems work right helps you serve your clients, grow your business and pay the bills. You already know this is true.
Check out these success stories. I’ve been in the IT business since 1992.
Run Your Accounting System in the Cloud

A Rancho Cordova-based company has offices in seven cities. They install security systems nationwide. They bill time and material to their Fortune 100 clients. They do A/P, A/R and payroll in-house with SAGE 100. This package resides in the Cloud. They are well into the eight figures.
Only one person was able to use their accounting system at a time. Staff in remote offices faxed time cards and expense reports to the corporate office. The Comptroller there manually entered all data and generated invoices. He came in early and stayed late. The owners felt this was a poor system. They fired their previous computer consultant. They had to get things working right. They felt a better solution clould solve their issues. The Comptroller called me seven times within a five minute timespan.
I went in and did a network assessment. With that information, I deployed a Microsoft Windows Cloud server to run their SAGE 100. I setup Remote Desktop Web, applied an SSL certificate, migrated data and trained staff how to access this server.
Staff from all offices access that server through Microsoft Windows’ Remote Desktop Web App functionality. They enter time cards and expense reports themselves. This reduced the burden on the Comptroller and helped the company send invoices more promptly. They get paid quicker. The Board is happy. Accounting operations run smoothly. They are making money.
Cloud E-mail Success Story

A Sacramento dental lab has 22 employees. They create prosthetic teeth and send them to dentist clients nationwide. They use hosted Microsoft Exchange in the Cloud. They access e-mail from Outlook, Outlook Web Access and smart phones. They embrace modern technologies only when the ROI justifies the expense. They are well into the seven figures.
They had poor client communications. Dentists called and left voicemail. Staff called dentists and spent a lot of time on hold, waiting for dentists to become available. A few employees used personal e-mail. Upper management did not know what to do. They needed help.
I explained how the Cloud could help. I established their Internet domain, deployed Microsoft Cloud services and gave all office staff e-mail addresses within that domain. I documented and trained staff how to access e-mail from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web Access and smart phones.
The owner is happy. He sees staff doing more work and spending less time waiting idly on the phone. Staff is happy. They get more done and focus on what they like to do. They also can get to e-mail when they are not at their specific workstation. The ROI shows how the Cloud helps the company increase profits. This investment pays for itself every month.
Cloud Backup Success Story

A Placerville legal firm embraces technology. They run the business on BMS and financials on Lexis-Nexis Time Matters. The owner feels the more technology he uses in his business, the more efficient and profitable he becomes. He adores the Cloud but needs someone to make it work for him.
They were backing up data to external drives. The owner took them home whenever he remembered to do so. He feared that if something happened to his server or building, he could be out of business. If a thief stole his backup drive, his clients’ nonpublic information would be compromised. He was nervous. He called.
I reviewed his backups. He had three successful backups within the previous month. One of his external drives was failing…he did not know. I established online backups and scheduled them to run after-hours. Backup sets include flat files (Microsoft Word DOCs, Excel XLSs and Adobe Acrobat PDFs) as well as SQL data. The Cloud service sends him notifications of Successful, Failed and Missed backups.
One day, the owner destroyed his Time Matters SQL database, unintentionally, or course. He called in a panic. He needed yesterday’s data restored from the Cloud server. I remotely accessed his server, moved the corrupt data, accessed the Cloud server and restored yesterday’s data. He was back in business. He is jumping for joy. The online backups helped him bill thousands of dollars of billable work. His business prospers.
Get Ready for Cloud Migration Success Stories

Everybody wants to be in the Cloud. I help you determine what apps and data should reside in the Cloud and what you should keep local. I plan, implement and complete your Cloud migrations. I make sure the security and reliability meet your requirements.
When you run your business in the Cloud, you focus on your business. You think about your prospects, your clients, and your staff. Turn your attention toward better marketing, increased revenue and better work-life balance. You stop thinking about local data backups, failing servers and increasing support costs.
You’re running a business. Embracing the Cloud and migrating there smoothly can make or break your business. Having your systems work right helps you serve your clients, grow your business and pay the bills. You already know this is true.
Check out these success stories. I’ve been in the IT business since 1992.
Run Your Accounting System in the Cloud

A Rancho Cordova-based company has offices in seven cities. They install security systems nationwide. They bill time and material to their Fortune 100 clients. They do A/P, A/R and payroll in-house with SAGE 100. This package resides in the Cloud. They are well into the eight figures.
Only one person was able to use their accounting system at a time. Staff in remote offices faxed time cards and expense reports to the corporate office. The Comptroller there manually entered all data and generated invoices. He came in early and stayed late. The owners felt this was a poor system. They fired their previous computer consultant. They had to get things working right. They felt a better solution clould solve their issues. The Comptroller called me seven times within a five minute timespan.
I went in and did a network assessment. With that information, I deployed a Microsoft Windows Cloud server to run their SAGE 100. I setup Remote Desktop Web, applied an SSL certificate, migrated data and trained staff how to access this server.
Staff from all offices access that server through Microsoft Windows’ Remote Desktop Web App functionality. They enter time cards and expense reports themselves. This reduced the burden on the Comptroller and helped the company send invoices more promptly. They get paid quicker. The Board is happy. Accounting operations run smoothly. They are making money.
Cloud E-mail Success Story

A Sacramento dental lab has 22 employees. They create prosthetic teeth and send them to dentist clients nationwide. They use hosted Microsoft Exchange in the Cloud. They access e-mail from Outlook, Outlook Web Access and smart phones. They embrace modern technologies only when the ROI justifies the expense. They are well into the seven figures.
They had poor client communications. Dentists called and left voicemail. Staff called dentists and spent a lot of time on hold, waiting for dentists to become available. A few employees used personal e-mail. Upper management did not know what to do. They needed help.
I explained how the Cloud could help. I established their Internet domain, deployed Microsoft Cloud services and gave all office staff e-mail addresses within that domain. I documented and trained staff how to access e-mail from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web Access and smart phones.
The owner is happy. He sees staff doing more work and spending less time waiting idly on the phone. Staff is happy. They get more done and focus on what they like to do. They also can get to e-mail when they are not at their specific workstation. The ROI shows how the Cloud helps the company increase profits. This investment pays for itself every month.
Cloud Backup Success Story

A Placerville legal firm embraces technology. They run the business on BMS and financials on Lexis-Nexis Time Matters. The owner feels the more technology he uses in his business, the more efficient and profitable he becomes. He adores the Cloud but needs someone to make it work for him.
They were backing up data to external drives. The owner took them home whenever he remembered to do so. He feared that if something happened to his server or building, he could be out of business. If a thief stole his backup drive, his clients’ nonpublic information would be compromised. He was nervous. He called.
I reviewed his backups. He had three successful backups within the previous month. One of his external drives was failing…he did not know. I established online backups and scheduled them to run after-hours. Backup sets include flat files (Microsoft Word DOCs, Excel XLSs and Adobe Acrobat PDFs) as well as SQL data. The Cloud service sends him notifications of Successful, Failed and Missed backups.
One day, the owner destroyed his Time Matters SQL database, unintentionally, or course. He called in a panic. He needed yesterday’s data restored from the Cloud server. I remotely accessed his server, moved the corrupt data, accessed the Cloud server and restored yesterday’s data. He was back in business. He is jumping for joy. The online backups helped him bill thousands of dollars of billable work. His business prospers.