Be the High Hanging Fruit: Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Online Identity

Hackers want to steal your online identity. This includes credit card numbers, social security numbers and passwords. What you do for a living does not matter to them. Therefore, what does matter is you have some information they can steal and sell.
Protect yourself and your online identity. Position yourself as high hanging fruit. Make it so the hacker would have quicker and easier success stealing from someone else (the low hanging fruit).
When I say high hanging fruit, I am quoting from Urban Dictionary, “Matters that take more effort and require more time and are usually most rewarding.” The opposite, of course, is low hanging fruit. I am once again quoting from Urban Dictionary, “Targets or goals which are easily achievable and which do not require a lot of effort.”
When it comes to protecting your online identity, position yourself as the high hanging fruit. This should be a no-brainer. In the highly interactive Be the High Hanging Fruit workshop, you enjoy these takeaways:
- Understand high hanging vs. low hanging fruit.
- See how we are all targets.
- Analyze a successful phish attack.
- Learn how to identify phish attack (with an interactive phishing quiz).
- Plan how to use what you’ve learned back at work.
Audience participation is expected. We’re talking about protecting your online identity, not mine. This is for anybody who uses e-mail, accesses client data or does any web surfing. Be the High Hanging Fruit is a 20-minute workshop with a 10-minute “After the Show” Q&A session. Hope to see you there.